Viimeinen kilpailurutistus

Tapasin muut neljä kilpailijaa ja he olivat tyttöjä. Taas osoitus siitä, kuinka naiset tulevat hallitsemaan maailmaa kun minusta aika jättää. Tai ainakin heidän pitäisi!

Nyt viimeinkin, kun olen väsännyt kilpailuhakemukset, kääntänyt ne englanniksi ja nyt täällä tehnyt puheenkin, on viimeinen tilaisuus vaikuttaa tuomareihin tullut.

Puheen piti kestää kolme minuuttia ja se meni varmaankin suurinpiirtein näin:

"Hello. My name is Klaus Unkuri and my hobby is to make a difference. My hobby and voluntary work has three main lines: maintaining youth center, presidency of the local youth counsil and boardship on Union of Finland's local youth counsils Nuva ry. (20s)

2007 I got the idea about founding a youth center and I came to a conclusion that best way to found it would be doing it by myself. So, I collected couple of my friend and we did it. Now that youth center has been open for two years twice a week.We have given an opportunity for young people who don't have hobbies just hang around somewhere inside and have fun. This is the level when I do something good for young people directly. (30s)

This year I became the president of the youth counsil of Harjavalta. Youth council represents the young people of the municipality. We work for better possibilities to really make a difference and we stand out for the rights of the young people. We also hold all kinds of event and campaings. We are planning to have a sexual education campaing, new kind of sport activity and maybe campaing against bullying. Basically, we have free hands to do almost anything we like.My role is to be like a coach for the other members in this hobby of ours. Through this line I help youth throught city and other youth counsil members. (40s)

Thanks to my youth center I was later selected to the board of Union of local youth counsils in Finland, Nuva ry where I am now on my second year. Nuva ry is a umberella organisation of the local youth counsils. Organisation is funded by goverment with 90 000 euros per every year and it has two full-day emplayees. This is the arena where I have effect to the society in national level and help youth by establishing and improving the work of youth counselors. Work I do here has the biggest effect even thought you can't see imediately the results. (30s)

My main interest now is to increase the activity of the youth. You could say that I'm trying to multipy myself and make more youth do work on youth centers and stuff. Now I would want to explore a new frontier and try to be the embassador of the active youth by spreading the local youth counsil system to another country. Finland is a small country of 5 million people so why should I leave the ideas and ways of doing things just to these circles, when in this Europe of no borders I can spread them much more further. You could say, that I am the politician that Martti Ahtisaari recalled yesterday, for who it's not only about making a better country for myself, but a better Europe for us all. (40s)"

Puheen lisäksi tuomarit kyselivät vähän kaikenlaista, mitä heille oli tullut kilpailupapereista mieleen. Kilpailutilanne oli suljettu. Olettaisin esiintyneeni varsin hyvin. Sijoitukseni saan tietää huomenna.

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